TMJ & TMD Treatment

Does your jaw click, pop, or feel tight? Do you wake up with headaches or neck and jaw pain? A temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) affecting your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) might be to blame. Get in touch with Dr. Ramla Ahmed at Clarity Dental for her unique training to help with TMJ and TMD issues by calling 732-254-6669.

What is TMJ?

MJ is the shortened name of the physical joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. They are the ball and socket joints that allow you to open your mouth to chew, talk, and yawn. The temporomandibular joint is one of the most complex joints in the human body, and when it becomes inflamed, it can affect your ability to chew healthy foods and communicate clearly. A disorder of the TMJ is technically called TMD, or temporomandibular disorder, but TMD and TMJ have become interchangeable when referring to the swelling and pain related to the jaw joint.

There are many causes of TMJ pain including nighttime clenching and grinding, arthritis in one or both joints, missing teeth, a misaligned bite or crooked teeth, and injuries to the head and neck.


Symptoms of a TMJ disorder can vary from patient to patient and may mimic other conditions. The most common symptoms include:

  • Headaches that mimic migraines

  • A dull ache or soreness in the jaw muscles

  • Stiffness that radiates to the neck and back 

  • Ear pressure, like the feeling you get when flying 

  • Tightness, clicking, or popping in the jaw joint when yawning or eating soft foods

  • The inability to open your mouth all the way

  • Feeling like one tooth is suddenly “out of place” 

Some patients will have all of these symptoms, and some may have one or two.


The TruDenta system is a unique process that diagnoses and treats chronic migraines. It uses advanced diagnostic technology to thoroughly examine the head, neck, and jaw for signs of inflammation or tension that typically cause headaches and migraines. We will search for any imbalances in force distribution that may be causing your pain.

The Diagnosis Process Includes:

  • Analysis of Force & Range of Motion

  • History of Symptoms & Headaches

  • Examination of the Muscles

If we determine that your pain is caused by force distribution imbalances, TruDenta can help you. Your treatment will be customized to your individual needs and symptoms.

Clarity Dental uses four modalities to balance and relax the joints and muscles in the jaw, head, and neck:

  1. Ultrasound: Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves and heat to increase blood flow, and break down scar tissue and adhesions in the problem area.

  2. Massage: We use massage techniques to relax muscles, stimulate circulation, promote the healing process, and identify trigger points in the area. Trigger points, also referred to as muscle knots, feel like small balls in the muscles and have a build-up of lactic acid inside of them. Just like a stubborn muscle knot in your back, trigger points in the jaw, neck, or head can cause pain and discomfort if not released.

  3. Alpha-Stim Microcurrent: Alpha-Stim Microcurrent is a safe, FDA-approved technology that breaks down trigger points and the lactic acid build-up with a low-level electrical current.

  4. Low-Level Laser: Lasers promote significantly faster healing times in the muscles and joints. The laser light signals the muscles and nerves to generate energy, which relaxes the muscles, increases circulation, and decreases pain.

Dr. Ramla Ahmed and the team at Clarity Dental are here to help you. We can answer all your questions and get you out of pain. If you suspect a TMJ disorder is the cause of your discomfort call us today!